Sunday, February 16, 2014

Inquiry-Based Learning

I chose a picture of one of my student’s head/mind for my inquiry learning visual.  Inquiry learning means a deep understanding with a hands-on as well as minds-on towards teaching and learning.  Inquiry emphasizes the process of learning in order to develop deep understanding by students.  

The Keren-Kolb article this week discussed how technology “should engage, enhance, or extend learning in ways that traditional tools do not.”  I almost hate to admit this, but I was glad to see the confusion between the teachers on whether their lessons were engaging, enhancing and extended learning when integrating technology.  I think we have some problems with this understanding in our own system.  We think we are doing a good job at integrating technology into our lessons that engage, enhance and extend learning with our students, but with a recent review from outside observers, we learned that we weren’t doing as great a job as we thought.  The 3 scenarios provided a better understanding to me as to how to accomplish engaging, enhancing and extending learning when integrating technology into my lessons. 
As I think-aloud about my mini-lesson, I reviewed the 8 principles of inquiry-based learning.  I have found that:
Authentic learning is real life learning.  Integrating technology into our lessons encourages students to create a tangible, useful product to be shared.   When we engage our students through authentic, hands-on learning by integrating technology, then Deep Understanding and Performance of Understanding of the subject can occur.  Also, “research has repeatedly shown that Assessment practices used by teachers have a significant impact on student achievement and engagement and that substantial learning gains can result from providing students with frequent feedback about their learning.”   The Appropriate use of Technology can help immerse students in engaging and knowledge building environments to represent their learning.  Teachers cannot be expected to know everything about everything, so Connecting with Experts “play a key role in helping teachers design inquiry around the right questions, topics, issues and problems.”   Success for all Students can come from teachers setting clear explanation of expectations from the lesson.  Students need to make sure that they are applying Ethical Citizenship while online use of images, text, information, sounds and video. 

I want to make sure that I consider these principles while planning for my mini-lesson.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Revisiting My Personal Learning Goals

If we are going to educate kids that will love to learn, then they must be guided by life-long learners as well.  I believe that this is essential for anyone with a growth mindset.


→I look forward to learning more about developing technology-based student learning that aligns to state and national professional learning standards. 

  This will be an on-going goal of mine.  I have learned many new resources that will help me achieve this goal.  I also feel that learning more about PLNs and creating my very own PLN will allow me to be able to keep up with the changes and up-to-date technologies in order to develop my own lessons as well as “borrow” lesson ideas from some experts.

→Effectively use web 2.0 tools, digital tools and technology resources to support the classroom subject areas for enhancing student learning.

I always enjoy learning more tools to add to my “toolbox.”  We live in such a fast paced world that changes by the second.  It’s not always easy to keep up with the pace, but as educators, we must.  Again, we must continually develop and improve skills and knowledge in order to perform effectively and adapt to change.  I have already learned so many more web 2.0 tools to add to my “toolbox” in this short time that we have been together.

→I just HAVE to steal one of Ashley Miller’s goals: “to be able to keep up with the pace.  It’s been a while since I have taken a course!”  

I think I’m doing ok with this one.  I probably could do better about managing my time.  It’s tough!  Keeping up with work, attending husband’s ballgames, son’s ballgames, keeping up with housework, and adding my own“school work” now is VERY overwhelming!  It can be difficult to dedicate specific time to school work because of other things coming up to keep me from it.  BUT, I have to find ways and “learn” how to manage it all!

It is pretty obvious that I am in that "NOT YET" stage with my goals.  I am more than OK with that because I AM a life-long learner and these goals are definitely on-going goals.