Sunday, February 9, 2014

Revisiting My Personal Learning Goals

If we are going to educate kids that will love to learn, then they must be guided by life-long learners as well.  I believe that this is essential for anyone with a growth mindset.


→I look forward to learning more about developing technology-based student learning that aligns to state and national professional learning standards. 

  This will be an on-going goal of mine.  I have learned many new resources that will help me achieve this goal.  I also feel that learning more about PLNs and creating my very own PLN will allow me to be able to keep up with the changes and up-to-date technologies in order to develop my own lessons as well as “borrow” lesson ideas from some experts.

→Effectively use web 2.0 tools, digital tools and technology resources to support the classroom subject areas for enhancing student learning.

I always enjoy learning more tools to add to my “toolbox.”  We live in such a fast paced world that changes by the second.  It’s not always easy to keep up with the pace, but as educators, we must.  Again, we must continually develop and improve skills and knowledge in order to perform effectively and adapt to change.  I have already learned so many more web 2.0 tools to add to my “toolbox” in this short time that we have been together.

→I just HAVE to steal one of Ashley Miller’s goals: “to be able to keep up with the pace.  It’s been a while since I have taken a course!”  

I think I’m doing ok with this one.  I probably could do better about managing my time.  It’s tough!  Keeping up with work, attending husband’s ballgames, son’s ballgames, keeping up with housework, and adding my own“school work” now is VERY overwhelming!  It can be difficult to dedicate specific time to school work because of other things coming up to keep me from it.  BUT, I have to find ways and “learn” how to manage it all!

It is pretty obvious that I am in that "NOT YET" stage with my goals.  I am more than OK with that because I AM a life-long learner and these goals are definitely on-going goals. 



  1. Lynn, I completely agree with your first statement that if we want kids to love learning then we must be life-long learners as well. We need to be the role models of what we want them to become. They learn what we do and what they see, not what we tell them. I too like the goal of trying to keep up with the pace. I am trying to do the same! It's funny that you said you are in the "NOT YET"stage with your goals. I think to some extent we all are, I know I am! That is why I am always setting up short term goals for myself that will help me continue on with the long term ones. I make a list almost each morning of what I hope to accomplish that day. Sometimes I'm able to complete them, sometimes I'm not, but it helps to keep me focused on the big picture and makes me feel like I've accomplished something when I check them off!!

  2. Lynn, I think that you are doing quite well. Your summary and self-reflection are applicable to all of us. A life long learner is what we should all strive to be...and proud to announce to anyone. I think that your goal of learning Web 2.0 tools will propel you into remaining a life long learner, due to the fact that there are new tools created regularly.

  3. Learning is certainly an ongoing process! The more that we display this to our students through our actions, the more transferable it will be for them! We can always learn more! Especially when it comes to Web 2.0 tools! It seems like every time I feel close to proficient with one, I find out about another that is new and improved from the one I am using!

  4. For starters, I loved how you presented and organized your blog. I though it was fun and easy to read. I also agree with many of your points. I strongly believe that educators need to be lifelong learners. We have a responsibility to learn and grow while we are encouraging our students to learn and grow. I think learning goals are open-ended, especially in the limitless world of technology. I also really enjoyed creating my PLN. I fought with the process and had a hard time organizing it the way I wanted. But when it was all done I was proud of the outcome and the resources are amazing. I feel like I get updates every second on useful information. I relate to your busy life and keeping up with school. I have two girls in sports, a husban who works a bit, my crazy dogs (but I love them), the house, etc. I feel as if I am making progress with juggling everything. This is my first class with Georgia Southern and I think getting comfortable with the system has been challenging. But bravo to you for adding school to your full plate. You have thoughtful ideas and you will do great.
